Learning Together Programme (Home Learning Environment Support)
Universal support:
- Learning Together Play and Learn Group for Under 5s at Whipperley Infant Academy, Family Room (LU1 5QY): Thursdays (Term Time) from 1.30pm to 3pm
Come and join us for our new Learning Together sessions where you and your child will have lots of opportunities to try new activities, gain information about the home learning environment and learn new skills through play (£1 donation)
- Tiny Happy People website
Learning Together Targeted Programme
This intervention is designed to support parents and carers to encourage their child’s early learning at home and to develop warm and nurturing parenting behaviours that encourage a child’s natural curiosity. It will aim to show parents that everyday conversations; make-believe play and reading to your child are influential factors in the child’s learning environment as well as how daytime routines and trips to the park or the library can be opportunities to make a positive difference to a child’s language development.
The intervention is based on the PEEP evidence-based approach and will be tailored to suit each family’s individual needs as well as encouraging some group-based learning and will be led by our two Home Learning Link Workers (HLLW) Mandy Moncrieffe and Humara Suleman.
Click here to view our Home Learning Pathway
Referral Criteria
The Learning Together Sessions are being offered to families who would benefit from support regarding their home learning environment. These sessions are available to families with a child aged 2.5 to 4 years.
The Learning Together Targeted sessions can support families where:
- Support /learning would be beneficial regarding the importance of engaging in their child’s learning
- Home environment lacks resources
- Child does not interact with resources in setting/session
- Parent has expressed a need for support
- Media devices are used often as a source of entertainment
- Support would be beneficial for the parent and child relationship
- Support is required surrounding appropriate expectations
Please use your professional judgement when making a referral. If you would like to discuss a potential referral please contact Sara Coombs at sara.coombs@eyalliance.org.uk
Referral Process
- The Learning Together programme is a targeted offer, therefore families will need to be referred in by a professional and other key partners in the community. Referrals will need to be completed through the a Learning together Referral Form and a completed HLE checklist from the family to be sent securely via email to flyingstart@eyalliance.org.uk
Please note we will be unable to accept the referral without the completed checklist.
- Once Flying Start receives the referral the family will be triaged and added to the waiting list. This may include a call back to the referrer to fine check any details of the referral.
- When a space becomes available the family will be contacted by Mandy or Humara for an initial assessment at the home. Please note spaces will be allocated half termly and will be based on priority.