Luton Family Information Service can give you information on your local childcare providers.
Each type of provider has their own advantages and disadvantages. A nursery tends to be open all day e.g. 8am to 6pm and parents can access childcare for the whole time or just part time usually offered as a morning or afternoon sessions. Pre Schools rarely offer full day care and are normally open for morning or afternoon sessions. Childminders can usually offer more flexibility in their hours of care and work from their own home.
Every childcare setting that provides childcare and early education for children must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Every nursery and pre-school must be registered with Ofsted. Childminders can choose to register directly with Ofsted or an Ofsted registered childminder agency. For those that register with Ofsted you can view their latest inspection reports either by asking them directly for a copy or looking on the Ofsted reports website.
When contacting a provider to discuss your childcare needs, you may be offered an appointment to visit the setting.
At this appointment you should ask any questions you have and ask for a tour around the setting to see the areas your child will have access to in their care. For safety reasons you would not be allowed to walk around on your own, but if a staff member is available they would be able to accompany you.
Remember to also discuss any particular needs your child may have such as dietary needs, religious or cultural needs, allergies, medical needs or disabilities. Some early years settings have small pets such as hamsters, rabbits, African land snails etc. please check this with the setting if your child suffers from any animal allergies.
Some common questions that can be asked to any type of setting are
- Asking to see parent references
- How their fees are worked out
- An estimation of how much you would be charged
- If there are fees for sick days or holidays
- What your child will do whilst in their care
- How you will be kept informed of your child’s progress
- Staff qualifications
- To see copies of their policies and procedures