Training for Luton ProfessionalsTraining for Luton Professionals
Flying Start recognises the value of all professionals who are working with families and children in Luton. This workforce provides the means to delivering the Flying Start strategy and improving outcomes for babies and children.
As part of our plans we have invested in a Flying Start learning and development programme providing opportunities for staff to access evidence based learning and development courses to support the primary prevention and early help key messages that underpin healthy development in the very earliest years of life.
Flying Start is as much about the skills and passion of the people who work with families as the families themselves. Our aim is to ensure we get the best out of our workforce, supporting them with new skills and knowledge based on current evidence and research. Flying Start aims to transform our workforce from one that is focused on “reaction” to one which makes “primary prevention” the norm.
Talking Takes Off Universal
Take Away WorkshopsTalking Takes Off Universal
Talking Takes Off Enhanced
TrainingTalking Takes Off Enhanced
Five to Thrive
(KCA Elearning and Training)Five to Thrive
KCA Elearning courses
(Including SEND)KCA Elearning courses
All courses are free for staff who work in Luton. However there may be a charge of £75 for non attendance or cancellation less than 5 working days before any face-to-face training.
For more information or assistance, call Flying Start on 01582 368245 or email
Early Years Alliance Training: and
Other partner training listed below:
Talking Takes Off Take Away Workshops (Speech, Language and Communication)- Recorded video or Live zoom!
We know that communication is key for early child development. For children who do not experience the opportunity to develop their speech, communication and language skills this can have a major impact on their readiness for school, their ability to form relationships and their emotional development as well as future life chances. There may be a range of reasons why children experience speech, language and communication (SLC) difficulties which may be transient or linked to longer term additional needs.
We are committed as a partnership in Luton to tackle this important issue collectively through a systems change approach to our work. Our ambition is that staff across the workforce come on our training to learn how they can support this important issue. Come and be part of this ambition.
The course is aimed at
- professionals who work directly with families and children in both the children’s and adults’ workforce
- those professionals whose role requires them to be in contact with families (they may not work directly with families but could still promote key messages within their service)
- colleagues who work in the Voluntary and Community Sector
This free course aims to:
- describe what typical communication and language development looks like: what to expect at each stage of development and when to be concerned
- provide you with the Luton context in relation to communication and language needs and introduce you to the Luton Communication and Language pathway from pregnancy to five
- introduce you to the Communication and Language screening tool to support early identification
- clarify how this work supports the demands of your service: how you can measure impact and how you can support within your individual role
- understand the role of Communication Champions and how they might support your service.
- introduce you to the new Talking Takes Off Luton messages and provide you with some useful resources to take away
Please note this course is now available in a recorded version. Please email to be sent the link.
Alternatively, the next Live TEAMS sessions are on:
• Tuesday 11 March 2025 10am to 12pm on TEAMS
“The Takeaway Workshop has been excellent. I did the ICAN training, some years ago now and have been keen to revisit this topic and update my knowledge, however day time training has never been available to me as I child mind.. it was engaging, clear, paced correctly, used a range of speakers and plenty of video examples. Thank you so much.”
Enhanced Talking Takes Off Training
Please note you will have had to have done the Talking Takes Off Takeaway Workshop training to do the enhanced training below:
Using the Early Years Communication and Language Toolkit (Video)
This is your opportunity to explore the new Early Years Communication and Language Toolkit and discover how you can use it to screen and support the communication needs of the children and families you work with. You will be guided through the full contents of the toolkit, including the screening tools, and build skills in using the screening tool results to set targeted outcomes and support.
Aims of the session:
- To explore the new Early Years Communication and Language Toolkit (find the toolkit here.)
- For practitioners to feel confident in using the toolkit and screeners
- For practitioners to feel confident in interpreting results of the screening tools
- For practitioners to feel confident in putting appropriate strategies in place
A recorded video version is available to those who couldn’t attend the previous live sessions. Please email to register to watch
NEW LIVE SESSION: *Awaiting New Dates*
Lift Off to Language (Teams)
This is a workshop for staff working with children in Early Years. Lift off to Language is a locally developed programme by Speech and Language Therapists in Bedfordshire and Luton. Practitioners are trained and supported by the Speech and Language Therapists to run language booster groups aimed at the 2 year olds or 3-5 year olds within their setting.
After the initial training session, practitioners are expected to run the group in their setting within the next term. A Speech and Language Therapist may visit your setting or virtually drop in to support you with a least one of these sessions. You will be signed off as a ‘Lift Off to Language setting’ when this has been completed.
2024 training dates, times and location Please email to book, stating the name of the training and the date you’ll like to be booked on for.
- Lift Off to Language COMBINED training (2 year olds AND 3 to 5 year olds)
- Tuesday 14 January 2025 from 9.30am to 11.30am on TEAMS
Sail into Sounds (Teams)
Why run a Sail into Sounds group?
Lots of children have difficulties with their speech sound development. The aim of this targeted group is to support children in their settings and to develop staff skills when working with these children. All of the activities focus on input skills, we are not asking children to produce sounds during Sail Into Sounds.
Alongside the group, it is also important to use the ideas in daily routines to embed practice and support children’s speech sound development.
Sail into Sounds has been developed to support children’s skills in Attention and listening, Phonological awareness and Speech sound production
Please note: This training compromises of a 2 hour online training session AND one face to face observation of a group once you have started running the group in your setting. Staff should be prepared to commit to both parts of this training when requesting a place.
2024 training dates, times and location Please email to book, stating the name of the training and the date you’ll like to be booked on for.
- Thursday 23 January 2025 from 1pm to 3pm on Teams
Bilingualism Training
Many children grow up exposed to two languages or more from an early age and despite its prevalence, there is conflicting advice around raising children bilingually. This course addresses important questions concerning how best to foster bilingual development to gain the maximum benefits that recent research has identified.
Aims: For participants to understand:
- the different forms of bilingualism
- the benefits of bilingualism
- the typical stages in second language development
- how to support children with learning a second language
2024 training dates, times and location Please email to book, stating the name of the training and the date you’ll like to be booked on for.
- Wednesday 13 November 2024 10am to 12pm on TEAMS
- Wednesday 19 March 2025 10am to 12pm on TEAMS
- Wednesday 18 June 2025 10am to 12pm on TEAMS
“I can use it to give advice to the concerned parents who are bilingual and at the same time I can use with my son as well, who is bilingual”
Talk for All
• increase your capacity to identify and support children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
• strengthen your understanding of the impact of Speech, Language and Communication difficulties on the child.
• be able to identify children with attention and listening, comprehension, expressive language and phonology difficulties and confidently refer these children for additional support.
• understand and be able to implement strategies at a universal and targeted level to support children with attention and listening, comprehension, expressive language and phonology difficulties.
• understand the development of English as an Additional Language and how best to support this in your setting
Advanced learning through a series of videos now available- please contact to register your interest
Working with Quiet Children and those with Selective Mutism
This course is suitable for professionals and families who wish to understand how to recognise and understand the causes of Selective Mutism and support the child with SM and to put in place an appropriate plan. * Free For Luton settings and residents but £25 for non Luton schools/residents which is non refundable
2024/2025 dates: 12 Feb am or 11 June am at Stockwood Discovery Centre
To book: please contact Gold Coker on Tel: (01582) 548151 or email on
Five to Thrive Elearning and Face to Face Training
Five to Thrive is an approach to support the children’s workforce to develop the skills and knowledge to work with families. Through the training, practitioners learn the skills to build parental capacity by increasing their understanding of the emotional development of their baby. The approach is built upon the emerging evidence about neuro-science and baby’s brain development. It is a systemic approach to early intervention and positive parenting. It identifies the key parental activities contributing to brain development and promotes confident, reflective parenting. It enables practitioners to teach and model mindful interactions.
Course Title: Brain Development and Positive Parenting: promoting optimal brain development for babies and young children under 5 years
There is now an ONLINE e-learning of this course you can access for free in your own time.
Please email or call 01582 368245 to access! We will need your:
- Full name
- Contact email address
- Organisation and Profession/Role
If you are from a setting where several of you need the training- please contact us and we may be able to arrange a bespoke face-to-face training on this area.

SEND Elearning Courses
We have partnered with KCA to offer some free online e-learning for those working with families in Luton wanting to further their knowledge.
Please find the details of the training below.
You can email or call 01582 368245 to register for a course.
We will need the course you are interested in and your:
- Full name
- Contact email address
- Organisation and Profession/Role
Other KCA eLearning available on request:
- Adolescence (approx. 10 hours)
- Assessing and managing risk (approx. 10 hours)
- Attachment and brain development (approx. 10 hours)
- Behaviour and the physical environment (approx. 10 hours)
- Behaviour and the physical environment: Adapting the physical environment to promote recovery from trauma (approx. 20 hours)
- Building individual and community resilience (approx. 20 hours)
- Building resilience (approx. 10 hours)
- Child development (approx. 10 hours)
- Child protection (approx. 10 hours)
- Child sexual exploitation: Protecting children and young people from harm (approx. 10 hours)
- Child-centred assessment (approx. 10 hours)
- Children and young people who misuse substances (approx. 10 hours)
- Children’s rights (approx. 10 hours)
- Communicating with children and young people (approx. 10 hours)
- Community resilience and secondary trauma: Maintaining well-being in the public service workforce (approx. 10 hours)
- Community resilience and toxic stress: Working with trauma across the lifespan (approx. 10 hours)
- Confidentiality and record keeping (approx. 10 hours)
- Contact in foster care (approx. 10 hours)
- Domestic violence (approx. 10 hours)
- Eating disorders: A relationship-based approach to prevention and recovery (approx. 10 hours)
- Emotion coaching (approx. 10 hours)
- Emotion coaching: A systemic, relational approach to behaviour (approx. 20 hours)
- Equality and diversity (approx. 10 hours)
- Equality and diversity in professional practice (approx. 20 hours)
- Five to Thrive for Life: Adolescence (approx. 10 hours)
- Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Systemic approaches to improving life chances for children and young people (approx. 10 hours)
- Foetal exposure to alcohol (approx. 20 hours)
- Impulsive behaviour (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to attachment and brain development (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to child development (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to child protection (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to communicating with children and young people (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to promoting secure attachment: Brain development and positive parenting (approx. 10 hours)
- Introduction to understanding trauma (approx. 10 hours)
- Making safe connections – the digital revolution, neuroscience and human attachment needs (approx. 10 hours)
- Maladaptive behaviours: Promoting recovery for children who harm themselves (approx. 20 hours)
- Men in children’s services (approx. 10 hours)
- Multi-disciplinary working (approx. 10 hours)
- Narrative work (approx. 10 hours)
- Narrative work: The development of a positive sense of self (approx. 20 hours)
- Parental mental health issues (approx. 10 hours)
- Professional development (approx. 10 hours)
- Safer caring (approx. 10 hours)
- Secondary trauma (approx. 10 hours)
- Secondary trauma and community resilience (approx. 20 hours)
- Self-harming behaviours (approx. 10 hours)
- Self-injuring and self-sabotaging behaviours: A relationship-based approach to prevention and recovery (approx. 10 hours)
- Sexualised behaviour: Issues in foster care (approx. 10 hours)
- Sexualised behaviour: Managing risk, promoting recovery (approx. 20 hours)
- Supervising foster care (approx. 20 hours)
- Teamwork (approx. 10 hours)
- The role of the foster carer (approx. 10 hours)
- Transitions and vulnerability (approx. 10 hours)
- Understanding trauma (approx. 10 hours)
- Vulnerability, trauma and recovery (approx. 20 hours)