Are you pregnant and wanting to have your baby at the Luton & Dunstable Hospital?
You do not have to wait to see your GP before contacting them, you can simply complete their antental self-referral form.
Alternatively, you can contact the midwives as soon as you know you are pregnant by phoning 01582 497020 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. If you prefer, you can still go to your GP.
Already registered as pregnant and have a query?
Early pregnancy Clinic before 20 weeks gestation: 01582 718179
Triage service for pregnancy related queries after 20 weeks gestation: 01582 329574
Family Hub Start for Life Leaflet (0 to 2 years)
Lots of information can be found in your Early Days Booklet
Please click on the buttons below to find out information and services available during pregnancy relating to that topic
Parenting and Family Relationships
If you are a Luton resident, we would encourage you to sign up with your Luton postcode on
Feeding and Nutrition
You’ll get most of the vitamins and minerals you need by eating a healthy, varied diet. But when you’re pregnant you also need to take some supplements to support a healthy pregnancy, these include Folic acid and Vitamin D
Child Safety
Safe at Home Luton is a child accident prevention programme aimed at families from pregnancy through to the child’s 5th birthday.
SEND families
If you think that your child may have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) you should speak to someone about your concerns