It has been a busy year with continuing challenges; however, it is exciting to see that the momentum of Talking Takes Off continues as we strive to support the communication development of all children in Luton. Emily Martin (Speech and Language Therapist) has now returned from maternity leave; many thanks to Deborah Powers, who covered this role over the last year.
The Talking Takes Off training offer is still available in a virtual format; we continue to offer the universal training and then an enhanced offer for those who would like to further their knowledge. You can find details of the universal training and the enhanced training options here:
We have now added the Lift Off to Language training to our offer, which enables practitioners to run language booster groups in their settings. This is a locally developed programme with some excellent feedback. There is no cost to this training. Please see attached flyer for more details.
We now have around forty Talking Takes Off Champions from a range of professions. We hold termly network meetings focused on information and idea sharing, as well as any specific topics requested by the champions. You can access champion training as part of our enhanced training offer.
The Talking Takes Off Communication and Language toolkit is still available, offering you the option of screening a child’s communication skills and implementing some targeted advice strategies for that child, as well as informing any onward referrals you need to make. You can find the electronic version of the toolkit here:
Talking Takes Off Sessions– Flying Start also currently offer Talking Takes Off sessions for young children aged between 18months and 3years. These are targeted sessions for children and their famillies, who may benefit from extra support regarding speech, language, and communication development. Both the child and parent/carer are invited to attend the sessions which run over a six-week period. The sessions cover information about how parents/carers can promote speech, language and communication development and include activities, stories, and songs. There are currently two face- face sessions being held on a Thursday morning/afternoon, we also offer a video course which is sent out to families on a weekly basis over five weeks, the sixth week session is then held face-face or virtually whereby families get the opportunity to meet Emily, our speech and language Therapist for an informal discussion. To book a place on the sessions a referral from a professional is required. All referrals can be made through our website at