This is the first Flying Start newsletter of 2022 and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.  We look back on 2021 and remember challenges, Covid at every turn, but also some great opportunities to do things differently. 

In this newsletter, we highlight some new Flying Start services as well as updating on how Talking Takes Off continues to provide a golden thread to improving children’s speech, communication and language skills.   

We also acknowledge with pride, Neil Leitch, the Chief Executive of the Early Years Alliance who received an OBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list, for services to early years.  Neil has always been a strong supporter of Flying Start and the value of getting it right at the earliest point for children.   In the early days of Flying Start he was Chair of our Flying Start Partnership Board and we continue to drive forward with strong partnerships and a passion to improving children’s outcomes at a local and national level.